When we first encountered Miggy in December 2015, she appeared to have no family; she wandered the yards and woods of Amazon and Egbert Avenues by herself and seemed to prefer her own company to that of other deer. Over the years, however, we’ve seen her slowly integrate herself into, and be accepted by, the family unit consisting of Doe #1 (Gloria, the Doe who Started it All), Gloria’s twin daughters, Does #8 and #10, and Gloria’s granddaughter, Doe #41. While she still enjoys her independence, there is a clear bond between her and her chosen family. We think Miggy is living proof that everybody, whether deer or human, needs and deserves community.
The ever elegant Miggy is ~10 years old as of the date of this posting (Fall 2024).
Adopted and named by Sorrel as a Christmas gift for her mum, Maggie.
Interested in sponsoring Miggy? Please let us know.