Peggy is one assertive deer — if she comes to a bait station to get her picture taken and dinner hasn’t been served yet, she’ll stand there stomping her hoof impatiently until it is (we here at “Deer Headquarters” can only be thankful that she doesn’t post reviews about us on Yelp!) But she has a softer side, too – she’s lovingly devoted to the more timid Ellen (Doe #37), such that it is hard to get a photo of one without the other. The two best friends have lived together in the woods between Scarlet Oaks and Mt. Storm since 2017. As of the most recent update of this post (Summer 2023), Peggy is ~7 years old.
Adopted and Named by: Maggie Schneider
Named in honor of: Peggy is named in honor of Maggie’s Grandmother, Peggy Teegarden. An avid lover of wildlife, Peggy was always positive, forthright, and willing to lend a helping hand. With her best friend Ellen, Peggy was always up for fun and ready with an easy smile or laugh.
Peggy the deer, like her namesake, also has a bestie in Ellen (Doe #37).
If you are interested in sponsoring Peggy, please let us know.