She’s a little goofy, a deer who likes to zig when everyone else is zagging, convention be damned.  Fortunately her family –  big sister Doe #28 (aka Maliki) and kid sister Doe #42 – love her just the way she is, and why wouldn’t they?  She’s as adorable when she shows up late for dinner, inexplicably covered in mud, as she is when she’s making funny faces for the field cameras.  Nine years of age as of the most recent update of this post (Summer 2023),  Pippy lives life to the beat of her own drummer in Edgewood Grove, Rawson Woods, and the surrounding yards.

Pippy and her family lost their mother, Doe #29, in 2022. Since then, big sister Maliki has stepped in as family matriarch. 

Adopted and Named By: Kim & Mark Nagelhout

Named in honor of:  Pippy, a very special fawn in NJ.  Kim, a wildlife rehabilitator, tells Pippy the fawn’s story and explains their special bond:

“Pippy was a fawn that forever changed and impacted my life. Working with deer is extremely rewarding and provides an up close and personal look into their world. It can also be challenging and heartbreaking, but so worth it. Pippy had it rough from the start. In 2020, animal control found her lying on the side of a roadway next to her deceased mother and twin. Later that day, I received a call to go and pick her up. At the first glance of her, I noticed that her eyes were still closed. After some time, they did open on their own and I was the first mother she saw. She was probably thinking, “what are you and where is my mom?” Pippy taught me how to overcome my fears and turn them into action. While in care I discovered that she had fly eggs that had hatched in one of her ears. Maggots are my worst nightmare. But after some time and treatment they were gone. We spent that fourth of July together, as she hid from the noise in a large crate. While in my care I got to watch her grow stronger, healthy and thrive. The next step was for her to join the other fawns in care. I always wanted what was best for her. It’s vital for her to be with her own species with limited human interaction. Sometimes fawns don’t do well or don’t adapt to life in the wildlife rehabilitation setting. From time to time, I would visit to clean out stalls and enclosures, but kept my distance. Over the next couple weeks, she started to decline. I received a call to come back and help her. I drove to pick her up and take her back to the home she really knew. Later that day, my heart broke into a million pieces as she passed away in my arms. We will forever share a bond, like soulmates. I wanted to honor her short life by adopting this beautiful doe. Her eyes reminded me of Pippy. Bright eyes! A special thank you to the Clifton Deer team. Thank you for advancing this nonlethal program and for your dedication and hard work. – Kim”

Sponsored by: Nick Newlin  

The sponsorship is a gift from Sloan Newlin, who says: “This sponsorship is for my dad, who loves going on his daily walks to see his deer friends.”

If you are also interested in sponsoring Pippy, please let us know.  

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