Spayed on the very first night of our very first field season in December 2015, Gloria holds a special place in the hearts of the Clifton Deer Team. Aged ~14 as of the most recent update of this post (Summer 2023), Gloria is proud matriarch to her family and constant companions, twin daughters Does #8 and #10 (~age 11). In fact, it took us years to get a photo of Gloria by herself!
Gloria’s granddaughter (and Doe #8’s daughter), Doe #41, was a constant presence in her family until her disappearance in 2021. We do not know what happened to Doe #41, but believe her likely deceased. She was ~6 years old at the time of her disappearance.
In recent years, Gloria has invited Miggy (Doe #34) into the family, and while she still enjoys her independence, she increasingly is seen spending time with Gloria’s group.
A healthy ~150 lbs when she was spayed, Gloria really likes the corn at our bait stations and just might have packed on a few pounds in recent years. We understand, Gloria, it happens to us all as we age!
Gloria and her family live in the woods between Amazon Avenue and Lafayette, and are frequent visitors to yards in and around that area.
We are so glad that Chris and Linda agreed that the doe who started it all deserves a name … and what a beautiful name it is!
Adopted and Named by: Chris Cain and Linda Goldenhar
Named in honor and memory of: Chris’ mom Gloria, nature lover and best friend to wildlife and people
Sponsored by: Gloria is still looking for sponsors! If you are interested, please let us know.